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"Уязвимости в драйвере NTFS-3G, позволяющие получить root-доступ в системе"
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. "Уязвимости в драйвере NTFS-3G, позволяющие получить root-дос..." +/
Сообщение от john_erohin (?), 27-Май-22, 08:48 
> Кстати интересно а когда последний раз обновлялся драйвер для устройств floppy.

кстати интересно, когда анон перестанет попадать пальцем в небо.

commit 911b36267855501f7f80a75927c128c0ac03fe58
Author: Willy Tarreau <>
Date:   Sun May 8 11:37:07 2022 +0200

    floppy: use a statically allocated error counter
    commit f71f01394f742fc4558b3f9f4c7ef4c4cf3b07c8 upstream.
    Interrupt handler bad_flp_intr() may cause a UAF on the recently freed
    request just to increment the error count.  There's no point keeping
    that one in the request anyway, and since the interrupt handler uses a
    static pointer to the error which cannot be kept in sync with the
    pending request, better make it use a static error counter that's reset
    for each new request.  This reset now happens when entering
    redo_fd_request() for a new request via set_next_request().
    One initial concern about a single error counter was that errors on one
    floppy drive could be reported on another one, but this problem is not
    real given that the driver uses a single drive at a time, as that
    PC-compatible controllers also have this limitation by using shared
    signals.  As such the error count is always for the "current" drive.
    Reported-by: Minh Yuan <>
    Suggested-by: Linus Torvalds <>
    Tested-by: Denis Efremov <>
    Signed-off-by: Willy Tarreau <>
    Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
    Signed-off-by: Denis Efremov <>
    Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>

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Уязвимости в драйвере NTFS-3G, позволяющие получить root-доступ в системе, opennews, 26-Май-22, 14:33  [смотреть все]
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