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"Выпуск репозитория пакетов pkgsrc 2021Q1"
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. "Выпуск репозитория пакетов pkgsrc 2021Q1" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 05-Апр-21, 14:34 
What are the main benefits of the pkgsrc system?

    Any packaging system should provide you with an easy way to install third-party software. The BSD packaging systems, and Gentoo's, provide you with a way to do this from source, so that you can be sure that the software that you install on your machines is the same as that released by the package authors - it has not been modified in any way, and that it is built and linked with the software that you have previously built and linked, and by your compilers. It will also be built and linked with the options that you chose.

    pkgsrc itself is extremely portable, and its buildlink system is unique. People point out to me that pkgsrc has only 7.300 packages , whilst others have many more. That's true, but

        that's 7.300 packages on multiple systems, so that if you are suddenly gifted an HP/UX or Solaris or AIX system, and told to administer it, you have an easy starting point

        pkgsrc doesn't tend to split packages up into multiple -libs, -docs, etc sub-packages like some other packaging systems, so the package numbers are not artificially inflated,

        we don't automatically target CPAN or CTAN, but prefer to incorporate packages that people need, so that we don't accumulate hubris in the system,

        the pkgsrc developers tend to use pkgsrc for their own machines - we drink our own champagne, and so any cruft is likely to be noticed fairly soon, and suggestions made how to streamline things, and

        pkgsrc has been able to sign binary packages (and verify the signature of binary packages as part of the pkg_add process) but not many people know about it. I see that this feature was added to pkgsrc in late September 2001, so most people were otherwise occupied at the time. This signature verification was used as part of the NetBSD update facility that I talked about at Usenix in 2004, but NetBSD update hasn't really progressed since then - that's more because I haven't pushed this functionality rather than anything else.

        pkgsrc has its own ecosystem, its breeding pool, called pkgsrc-wip on sourceforge. It's a fantastic way for people new to packaging systems can find their feet with the pkgsrc conventions, and also an excellent way for pkgsrc to gain new packages, rather than people being forced to send a problem report into NetBSD.

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Выпуск репозитория пакетов pkgsrc 2021Q1, opennews, 05-Апр-21, 10:05  [смотреть все]
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