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"СУБД Redis переходит на проприетарную лицензию. Обсуждение удаления Redis из Fedora"
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. "СУБД Redis переходит на проприетарную лицензию. Обсуждение у..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (182), 23-Мрт-24, 14:31 
> Возможно, но BSD позволяет, например, продавать закрытые патчи или дополнительный код.
> А вот раковая ГПЛ как бы шепчет "иди на" поклон к корпам,
> тк у них деньги есть, в отличии от толпы нищуков халявщиков.

"В подтверждение твоих слов".
Поглядел я обсуждение этой новости на канале DragonFly BSD:

07:23 |@dillon > well... BSD, GNU, commercialization ... code authors trying to inject ethics into use cases, commercial use, or getting paid for commercial use
07:24 |@dillon > these arguments were present even way the heck back in 1984 when I first started messing with BSD on VAX's
07:25 |@dillon > and to this day source code authors, statistically, really don't get acknowledged, credit, or any sort of compensation for their work.  Regardless of the license
07:25 |@dillon > only a very, very few who make businesses out of their work themselves
07:33 |@dillon > I read the thread.  I don't think copyright statements and licenses can be removed from source code unless all original contributors agree
07:33 |@dillon > some seem to think that mentioning it once elsewhere is sufficient, but it isn't.  if its placed in the source file, it can't be removed
07:34 |@dillon > in anycase. Not sure why they want to change the license in the first place.  BSD licenses are very permissive.  They can certainly use it in a commercial project
07:35 |@dillon > there's even some dragonfly stuff in Apple's IOS :-).  Not much... part of one of the network bandwidth management algos
07:36 | servik > i think they [Redis] don't want amazon and the likes to take their code, wrap in a service and make profit from it
07:36 |@dillon > meh.  all that matters is continuing to improve the code.  old versions of a piece of code are nearly worthless
07:36 | servik > cool :-) we could add banners on the front page "used by" and put some logos there :D
07:37 |@dillon > heh. not without apple's permission.  I just think its cool though
07:38 | daftaupe > how do you know dillon ? did someone at apple contact you ?
07:38 |@dillon > its like someone trying to replicate NextOS from Mach
07:38 |@dillon > its in the licenses section of the phone, somewhere in the middle
07:38 |@dillon > its a huge huge section... like thousands of licenses
07:39 | daftaupe > ah I see can't check though I don't have a iOS powered device at home
07:39 |@dillon > somewhere in General -> Legal & REgulatory -> Legal Notices I think.
07:45 |@dillon > there's no way for me to select the whole text , not easily
07:45 |@dillon > I can get copy range but it scrolls so slowly
07:46 | daftaupe > like servik said I think it's mostly due to others using redis in some cloud offers, because some BSD are already use in commercial products without issue
07:46 | servik > yes, there's dragonfly copyright and your name near it :D
07:46 | servik > 2008 year
07:46 | daftaupe > don't bother dillon I trust you :(
07:47 | daftaupe > :)
07:47 | servik > cool :-)
07:47 |@dillon > im kinda annoyed.  gonna try tp copy it
07:47 | servik > take a screenshot
07:48 | daftaupe > I tried to find it online but they say to check on the device
08:06 |@dillon > my fingers are tired
08:07 |@dillon > the file has gotten a lot bigger
08:08 |@dillon >
08:08 |@dillon >
08:09 |@dillon > I stopped there, there might be others
08:09 |@dillon > its still there even after all these years.  it was like in one of the original IOSs too... part of my ALTQ/FAIRQ code
08:09 | daftaupe > \o/ pretty cool indeed
08:09 |@dillon > (ipfw/pf)
08:10 |@dillon > I think apple makes it hard to go through it on purpose.  There is a copy/share on the text, but no "select all" that I could find
08:10 |@dillon > so I had to scroll through the blasted thing reading it to find it
08:10 |@dillon > its thousands and thousands of lines long
08:10 | daftaupe > :(
08:11 |@dillon > 1000 years from now some historian will dig that up and the summary for "Matthew Dillon" will be "wrote some sort of packet fair queueing mechanism that had bugs in it"
08:12 |@dillon > in anycase, <--- zzz time
08:13 | daftaupe > night dillon !
08:13 | daftaupe > haha

Замечательная иллюстрация. Всего. Интервью Танненбаума о Intel ME в этом смысле тоже показательно.
Сорри, опеннет, за простынь.

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СУБД Redis переходит на проприетарную лицензию. Обсуждение удаления Redis из Fedora, opennews, 21-Мрт-24, 12:53  [смотреть все]
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