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"Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 550.54.14"
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. "Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 550.54.14" +1 +/
Сообщение от Kuromi (ok), 24-Фев-24, 22:07 
Релиз дров конечно жирный но...с каждым новым релизом дров ФФ все мощнее глючит на Нвидии. Если на 535 было еще более-менее, то вот на 545 стали обычными вот такие почти полные (все еще возможно закрыть не убивая) зависания с вот такими вот простынями в логе

"[GFX1-]: Failed to make render context current during destroying.
Unflushed glGetGraphicsResetStatus: 0x92bb
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::fActiveTexture(GLenum) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteBuffers(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteShader(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteShader(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteProgram(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteTextures(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteTextures(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteShader(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteShader(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteProgram(GLuint) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteTextures(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::fDeleteVertexArrays(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fDeleteBuffers(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::fDeleteVertexArrays(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
[GFX1]: Ignoring call to void mozilla::gl::GLContext::fDeleteTransformFeedbacks(GLsizei, const GLuint *) with failed mImplicitMakeCurrent.
Unflushed glGetGraphicsResetStatus: 0x92bb
[GFX1]: DMABuf surface import failed!
[GFX1-]: TextureHost creation failure type=4
[GFX1-]: Failed to create remote texture
[GFX1]: DMABuf surface import failed!
[GFX1-]: TextureHost creation failure type=4"

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Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 550.54.14, opennews, 24-Фев-24, 10:51  [смотреть все]
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